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Public offer

The present document is a public offer (offer) of online store on sale of goods

  1. General provisions

1.1. The present public offer (further - the Offer) is official proposal of SP of Ternovskaya E. I. to any natural person to conclude with Ternovskaya E. I. SP. the contract of retail purchase and sale of goods on the Website remotely on the conditions defined also contains all essential conditions of the Offer in the present Contract.

1.2. The order the Buyer of the goods posted on the Website means that the Buyer agrees with all conditions of the present Offer, Privacy policy and Terms of service.

1.3.web-site has the right to make changes to the Offer without notice of the Buyer.

1.4. Period of validity of the Offer is not limited if other is not specified on the Website.

1.5.web-site provides to the Buyer full and reliable information about goods/services, including information on the main consumer properties of goods, the place of production, and also information on a warranty period and an expiration date of goods on the Website in a goods card.


  1. Subject of the Offer

2.1.web-site undertakes to give to the Buyer the goods intended for the personal, family, house or other use which is not connected with business activity on the basis of the placed Orders, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay Goods on the terms of the present Offer.

2.2. The name, the price, quantity of goods, and also other necessary conditions of the Offer are defined on the basis of the information provided by the Buyer at execution of the order.

2.3. The property right to the ordered goods passes to the Buyer from the moment of the actual transfer of goods to the Buyer and payment of the overall cost of goods by the last. The risk of his casual death or damage of goods passes to the Buyer from the moment of the actual transfer of goods to the Buyer.


  1. Goods cost

2.1. The prices of goods are defined by the Seller in a unilateral indisputable order and are specified on pages of the online store located to the Internet address:


2.2. The price of goods is specified in rubles of the Russian Federation and includes a value added tax.

2.3. The final price of goods is defined by consecutive action on the price of goods of discounts by the following order:
• Promotional discount
• A discount on a promo code
• Discount of the regular customer

2.4. Calculations between the Website and the Buyer for goods are made by the ways specified on the Website in the section – Payment and delivery


  1. Moment of the conclusion of the Offer

4.1. The acceptance of the present Offer (contract) is execution by the Buyer of the order for goods according to conditions of the present Offer. Execution by the Buyer of the order for goods is made by commission of the actions specified in the section "Payment and Delivery"

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4.2. Accepting the present Offer, the Buyer expresses consent that:

- registration data (including personal data) are specified by it voluntarily;

- registration data (including personal data) are transferred in an electronic form on communication channels of Internet network;

- registration data (including personal data) are transferred to the Website for realization of the purposes specified in the present Offer, Privacy policy, Terms of service and can be transferred to the third parties, for realization of the purposes specified in the present Offer;

- registration data (including personal data) can be used by the Website for advance of goods and services, by implementation of direct contacts with the Buyer by means of communication channels;

- for additional protection against roguish actions the registration data specified by the Buyer (including personal data) can be transferred to the bank which is carrying out transactions on payment of the issued orders;

- agreed by the Buyer for processing of its registration data (including personal data) is termless and it can be withdrawn by the Buyer or his lawful representative, submission of the written statement transferred to the Website.


  1. Return of goods and money

5.1. Return of goods is carried out according to the Act of the Russian Federation "About consumer protection".

5.2. Return of money is carried out by means of return of cost of the paid goods on the cash card or postal order.


  1. Delivery of goods

6.1. Delivery of goods to the Buyer is carried out in the terms coordinated by the Parties at order confirmation by the employee Sayta.

6.2. At express delivery of goods the Buyer in the register of delivery appends the signature opposite to those positions of goods which the Buyer got. This signature serves as confirmation that the Buyer has no claims to a goods complete set, to quantity and appearance of goods.

6.3. After receiving goods of a claim to quantity, completeness and a type of goods are not accepted.


  1. Period of validity of the Offer

7.1. The present Offer comes into force from the moment of its acceptance the Buyer, and works until withdrawal of the acceptance of the public Offer.


  1. Additional conditions

8.1.web-site has the right to concede or any different way to transfer the rights and duties following from its relations with the Buyer, to the third parties.

8.2.web-site and the provided services can temporarily partially or are completely inaccessible because of carrying out scheduled or other maintenance or on any other reasons of technical character. The technical service of the Website has the right to periodically carry out necessary scheduled or other maintenance with the prior notice of Buyers or without that.

8.3. Provisions of the Russian legislation are applied to the relations between the Buyer and the Website.

8.4. In case of questions and claims from the Buyer he should address the Website by phone or other available way. Arising disputes all parties will try to solve by negotiations, at not reaching an agreement the dispute will be submitted to judicial authority according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.5. Recognition by court of invalidity of any provision of the present Agreement does not involve invalidity of other provisions.


  1. Website requisites


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